Meditation and Positive thinking course

To register for a free trial class and introductory lecture

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What is meditation and why practice meditation?

Who is man? What is the world?

Before we begin to understand what meditation is, it is important to ask ourselves what we want from life, what we yearn for and where we will find the satisfaction of that yearning.

According to the yoga tradition, all humans have the same longing and desire to be happy, joyful, peaceful and healthy.

How do we achieve this happiness? Each of us seeks happiness in our own way. Most of us seek happiness outside, in social status, in possessions, in family.

Most of us know that it is impossible to separate the outside from the inside, and our inner world lives in close proximity to our outer world.

According to the yogic concept, the field on which the world is built is the field of consciousness, which is within us, and therefore, the better we know the inside, the better we will know ourselves.

The seeds we sow in the field of consciousness are the ones we will ultimately reap in our lives, so becoming familiar with consciousness and its contents is extremely important.

The practice of meditation and mindfulness helps us direct our awareness inward, illuminate what is within, and restrain and control consciousness.
After some time of practice, the moment comes when consciousness is quiet and then we can see what is within – the essence of our lives.

We invite you to a meditation and positive thinking course, the only one of its kind in Israel, which will provide every practitioner with practical tools for practicing meditation for essential inner work.

The practice of meditation provides relaxation, inner peace, good health, stress relief, development of creativity and the pursuit of inner happiness.

Through the practice of meditation, we free up time in our busy lives and turn our attention inward. The practice brings a person closer to himself.
When the student practices deeply enough, he discovers his inner essence, full of bliss, happiness and knowledge.

In the meditation course we learn and practice:

Concentration and meditation exercises, relaxation exercises, breathing exercises, mindfulness in life, proper nutrition, positive thinking and the structure of consciousness,
as well as obstacles in the practice of meditation. We will also learn the yogic philosophy behind the practice of meditation.

The course is taught by Shahar Bental – a senior yoga teacher and director of the Yoga and Meditation Center in the Valley, with many years of experience and knowledge.

The course is taught in small groups and the number of places is limited.

The course takes place in eight sessions on Sundays at 8:00 PM.

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