A mental practice designed to allow a person to develop concentration, peaceful states of mind, clear thinking, and mental balance. It helps reduce stress, tension, anxiety, depression, pain, and anger.
Our mind operates without our control, thoughts arise and we respond to them and respond to the response. Suddenly a new thought arises, in a completely different direction, this cycle goes on and on, and often without our attention at all. This ‘rambling’ of thoughts, this “storm of waves” puts us in tension, interferes with our ability to concentrate and prevents us from correctly understanding reality as it is.
When we practice meditation, we sit comfortably. In a quiet environment, for a certain amount of time. We focus on our breathing. We can focus on a mantra, that is, focusing on a sound or repeating a word. If a thought arises, we do not fight it or engage in internal dialogue, but try to observe the thought and return to the meditation.
Practicing yoga makes it easier to sit quietly and comfortably to meditate.
On Monday and Thursday mornings, you are invited to a silent meditation session open to the public.
The meeting begins at 7:30 a.m. and lasts half an hour.
Please arrive at least five minutes before the meeting starts and remain quiet.